"In MInd"
- Denise Levertov
                          In “In Mind” by Denise Levertov, the speaker talks about two women being in his mind. One is right and ideal but she is not imaginative and the other one imaginative, thoughtful but she is mean and messy. So this shows us that our mind is very powerful and it isn’t always easy to make the right choices when presenting one’s self. We can’t have everything we want as sometimes we have to sacrifice one thing for another important one.

                         Therefore, the speaker can’t decide who to choose from, because making decisions is not always easy. We have sacrifice one thing to get another important thing. Joan F. Hallisey’s comments(MAP) on Levertov’s poems that “…her poem demonstrates a strong blend of the mystical with a firm commitment to social issues, or in Levrtov’s own words, that artists must believe in the power of imagination and live with the door of one’s life open to the transcendent, the numinous.” These lines tell us that Levertov’s poems are committed to social issues and people’s imagination. “In Mind” is a fine example of that as the speaker imagination and decision making wasn’t easy at all. 


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